Triathlon Update: Must-Do Exercises Before Running—All-Time Winner Alistair Brownlee Reviews in an Interview

Triathlon training demands a diverse skill set, and among the three disciplines—swimming, cycling, and running—preparing for the run segment is crucial for success. In a recent interview, two-time Olympic champion Alistair Brownlee shared his insights on the essential exercises athletes should incorporate into their routines before hitting the pavement. Here’s a summary of his expert recommendations.

The Importance of a Strong Foundation

Before diving into specific exercises, Brownlee emphasized the importance of building a solid foundation. “In triathlon, running is often where races are won or lost,” he noted. “To excel, you need strength, flexibility, and endurance—all of which start with targeted exercises.”

Key Pre-Run Exercises

  1. Dynamic Warm-Ups: Brownlee advocates for dynamic warm-ups to prepare the body for running. He suggests incorporating leg swings, high knees, and butt kicks to activate key muscle groups. “These movements increase blood flow and improve flexibility, reducing the risk of injury,” he explained.
  2. Strength Training: Building strength is crucial for enhancing running performance. Brownlee recommends exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts, which target the major muscle groups used in running. “Strong legs can help maintain form and speed, especially in the latter stages of a triathlon,” he said.
  3. Core Stability Work: A strong core supports better running posture and efficiency. Brownlee includes planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball exercises in his routine. “Your core acts like a bridge between your upper and lower body, helping to transfer power effectively,” he highlighted.
  4. Mobility Drills: Flexibility is just as important as strength. Brownlee suggests incorporating hip openers and calf stretches to improve range of motion. “Tight muscles can hinder performance and lead to injuries. Regular mobility work can make a significant difference,” he stated.
  5. Plyometrics: To enhance explosiveness and agility, Brownlee incorporates plyometric exercises like box jumps and bounding. “These drills help develop fast-twitch muscle fibers, essential for quick starts and maintaining pace during a race,” he noted.

Crafting a Comprehensive Routine

Brownlee emphasized that athletes should tailor their warm-up routines based on individual needs and race conditions. “Not every triathlete is the same; listen to your body and adjust accordingly,” he advised. He also recommends incorporating these exercises consistently, ideally within a structured training program that balances all three triathlon disciplines.

Mental Preparation

Beyond physical conditioning, Brownlee highlighted the importance of mental readiness. Visualization techniques and setting specific goals can boost confidence. “The mind is a powerful tool; harnessing it can often be as crucial as physical training,” he explained.


As Alistair Brownlee continues to inspire the triathlon community, his insights on pre-run exercises serve as a valuable resource for athletes looking to enhance their performance. By incorporating dynamic warm-ups, strength training, core stability work, mobility drills, and plyometrics into their routines, triathletes can optimize their running segment and improve overall race outcomes. With dedication and the right preparation, success in triathlon is within reach.

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