My Running Experience: What to Take Before Running and the Best Reasons to Run

Running has become more than just a hobby for me; it’s a transformative experience that has reshaped my physical and mental well-being. As a journalist, I often find myself on the move, racing against deadlines and chasing stories, but it’s when I lace up my running shoes that I truly discover the freedom of motion. In this article, I’ll share my running experience, including what I take before hitting the pavement and the motivations that keep me coming back for more.

Pre-Run Essentials: What to Take Before Running

Before I head out for a run, I make sure to prepare both my body and mind. Here are some essentials that have enhanced my running experience:

1. Hydration is Key

One of the first things I do is drink water. Staying hydrated is crucial, especially if I plan to run longer distances. I usually aim for a glass of water about 30 minutes before I start. For longer runs, I sometimes bring a handheld water bottle or plan my route around water fountains.

2. Light Snack for Energy

I’ve learned the hard way that running on an empty stomach can lead to fatigue. A small snack—like a banana or a handful of almonds—provides just the right amount of energy without weighing me down. I typically eat about 30 minutes before my run to give my body time to digest.

3. Proper Gear

Investing in the right gear has made a significant difference. I always check my running shoes, ensuring they are comfortable and suited for my foot type. Wearing moisture-wicking clothing also helps regulate my temperature, making my runs more enjoyable.

4. Mindset and Warm-Up

Taking a moment to mentally prepare is just as important as the physical aspect. I spend a few minutes stretching and doing dynamic warm-ups to loosen up my muscles. This routine not only helps prevent injuries but also mentally transitions me into running mode.

Reasons to Run: What Keeps Me Motivated

While the physical benefits of running are well-documented, it’s the emotional and mental rewards that truly keep me hooked. Here are some of the best reasons to run, from my perspective as a journalist:

1. Stress Relief

In my line of work, stress can build up quickly. Running serves as an effective release valve. The rhythm of my feet hitting the pavement and the fresh air clears my mind, allowing me to think more clearly and tackle my next story with renewed focus.

2. Creative Inspiration

Running often sparks my creativity. Some of my best ideas come during a run, when my mind is free from distractions. The connection between physical activity and creativity is undeniable, as the endorphins released during exercise help me think outside the box.

3. Sense of Accomplishment

Every run feels like an achievement. Whether I’m hitting a new personal best or simply completing a distance, the sense of accomplishment is invigorating. It translates into other areas of my life, instilling a sense of confidence that carries over into my work.

4. Connection to Nature and Community

Running allows me to connect with my surroundings, whether I’m navigating urban streets or exploring nature trails. Additionally, participating in local races and running clubs has introduced me to a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for running.

5. Health Benefits

Lastly, the physical benefits cannot be overlooked. Running improves cardiovascular health, builds endurance, and helps maintain a healthy weight. Knowing that I’m taking steps to better my health is a powerful motivator that keeps me lacing up my shoes.


Running is a multifaceted experience that extends beyond mere exercise. It has become an essential part of my life, contributing to my physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. By taking the right precautions before my runs and understanding the deeper motivations behind my passion for running, I continue to embrace this journey. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, I encourage you to explore the world of running—you might just find that it transforms your life, too.


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